Bare-Metal As A Service (BMaaS)
Bare-metal servers, switches are used as the underlying IT infrastructure in different types of cloud services (viz., IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, FaaS, etc), and high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. A typical public cloud can have thousands of bare-metal servers and hundreds of bare-metal switches in each data-center. Bare-metal as a service (BMaaS) aka Under-cloud is a type of cloud service to manage bare-metal infrastructure with ease. MAAS and Openstack Ironic are two widely used BMaaS open-source software stacks. BMaaS is typically deployed as private cloud behind the screens in public clouds and HPC clusters. BMaaS provides APIs to automate workflows in public cloud service, and HPC clusters. IaaS cloud deals with virtual machines (VMs) and virtual switches (vSwitches), whereas BMaaS deals with bare-metal servers and bare-metal switches. In the recent past, BMaaS is also provided as public cloud service (eg. Google, IBM, PacketComputing). Offering BMaaS as a public cloud service brings new set of challenges with respect to privacy, security, agility and power/energy-aware management. Our research exploits the power of Base-board Managemnet Controller (BMC) in servers and switches, and near-by rack-controllers in the cloud to provide solution to some of the challenges.
Maruthi Seshidhar Inukonda, Atharva Rajendra Karpate, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, Sparsh Mittal, Praveen Tammana, NASCENT: A Non-invasive Solution for Detecting Utilization of Servers in Bare-metal Cloud, Volume 10, pp 12866-12881, IEEE Access, January 2022
Maruthi S. Inukonda, Sparsh Mittal, Sai Harsha Kottapalli, A Solution Architecture of Bare-metal As A Service Cloud using Open-source Tools, Technical Report IITH, October 2019
Best Cloud innovator of the year in cloud managment award by CCICI at XaaS Conference 2021